By Jamie Wolff 

Wine retailer Jamie Wolff is a partner at Chambers Street Wines, one of New York City's premier wine destinations. His passion for Italian wines leads him to Piedmont annually to visit the producers he works with and discover new finds. Here are some of his favorite restaurants in the region.

148 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
T: 212.227.1434 |

Jamie's Guide to Eating in Piedmont

Photograph courtesy of Trattoria dai Bercau

Photograph courtesy of Trattoria dai Bercau

Trattoria dai Bercau

"In Verduno, this is inexpensive, old school, not fancy, with a set menu and serving from platters. They have really good wine too."

Via Valfrè Beato, 13, 12060 Verduno
T: +39.0172.470243 |

Photograph courtesy of Locanda dell'Arco

Photograph courtesy of Locanda dell'Arco

Truffle & Eggs at Locanda dell'Arco | Photograph courtesy of Locanda dell'Arco

Truffle & Eggs at Locanda dell'Arco | Photograph courtesy of Locanda dell'Arco

Locanda dell’Arco + Trattoria La Coccinella

"These two restaurants are a little off the beaten path and definitely worth the trip. Locanda dell’Arco is located in Cissone and Trattoria La Coccinella is in Serravalle Lange. Both spots are old fashion, traditional restaurants with elegant and very good food -- real, old school food. They have very good wine lists."

Piazza dell'Olmo, 1, 12050 Cissone
T: +39.0173.748200

Via Provinciale, 5, 12050 Serravalle Langhe
T: +39.0173.748220

Photograph courtesy of Ristorante Bovio

Photograph courtesy of Ristorante Bovio

Ristorante Bovio

"In La Morra, this place has really good food. It's classic, classy and a restaurant with lovely views -- perfect for a long Saturday lunch."

Via Alba, 17, 12064 La Morra
T: +39.0173.590303 |

Stay + Eat

Photograph courtesy of Real Castello

Photograph courtesy of Real Castello

Albergo e Ristorante Real Castello

"Really beautiful hotel in Verduno. They also have a restaurant with good food, which is perfect for the first night when you arrive tired from traveling."

Piazza Canonico Borgna Don Pietro, 9, 12060 Verduno
T: +39.0172.470125 |

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